2008년 3월 30일 일요일

3월 5주차

This week’s main subject was WWW (: World Wide Web). WWW is the one we are always using when doing the Internet. ex)www.daum.net & www.naver.com . we use many www URL. We use it almost everyday but we don’t actually know what exactly WWW is. As we know this week learning.

WWW is a collaboratively authored hypertext, a standard and it is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines. WWW was made of collaboration of people. When doing research, Most important thing is fund. So, Leader's most important mission is supported by other people or organization etc. In that case I think that leader have to know economic. WWW is standard. and We have so many standard. Why we make a standard. Standard is possible a collaboration writing. And I think it was economical. So many organization is wrote and influence standard. WWW is connect vast people and machine. WWW is made a global village.Uri is a identifier. So we used this rules find web page.Web is so many standard and rules. And this is comfortable to us

BUT I DON'T know this form of URL : our study homepage URL is http://intermass.com/it081/.
this is not have WWW. WWW is just a standard form? I'm very curious.

but in this march we start a classes i know one point. this common point is technology is a promise an engagement of every earth people. few country is not achievement technology.
this phenomenon will be cure for time. (I'm an optimist.)
before i hear the class our ip address is exhaust. this will be cure.

we live in web 2.0 era . 2.0era use www appointment . but this is very old form. it is easy to hacking. so we inventing a new appointment.

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