2008년 4월 5일 토요일

4월 1주차

April 1st homework

this month is start of real spring. and i wrote my homework freshly.

this weak we read the opinion and waw media.

barry wellman, computer networks as social networks
danah boyd, friendster and publicly articulated social networking
ze frank, small world [video]

i always think myself. i don't read carefully assignment. actually when i was read the assignment so difficult to me . somethime's very easy assignment is read and understood quickly. so this weak assignment was very easy to me.

recently we having a own computer and blog or cyworld. and cyworld system is coreect for this weak subject.

today's 화두 is connecting. human making with social socieaty. if human living a alone world he is not a human like a intellectual animal.

When technologies connect or separate people, they become media. past computer technologies is just programing and programing and play game alone. however technology is improve we use internet every body people. and express own feeling and other's feeling talking about deeply. like a real space. and 2000's era people make a own homepage's and 2004'~ and present. people use a myspace and cyworld.

own hompage and cyworld is same system but few diffrent. cyworld has a line of personal contact. cyworld make a system ' 1촌. 1촌 means a line of personal contact. people make a 1촌 and group other's homepage's. finally making a line of personal contact group gradually. look at the down picture. it like a real space.

New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
isolated people making a cywolrd and going many time . this people making a many cyber space people. finally this people having a cyber space toxicosis . and not dividing real space and cyber space. technologies giving a many merit for us . however technologies holic is very danger. however cyberspace is seeing perfect. we are not npc . we are the human. many pople take care of next people.~!

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