this week we have 1 class . so we have know few information . but i'm very interesting friday's study. this week homework are read two opinion . I read ted nelson's article and engelbart's article this week. acutually i dont't know them. but today we learned hypertext is so easy.
i read a two opinion and are i impressed ted nelson's article. this weak summary and my opinion is talking about ted nelson's article hyper text.
Hypertext is new form of writing, reading and thinking. Now, This is very useful. similiar WWW(World Wide Web).sometimes i think no exists Internet in the world. this is very important for internet a speedway like hypertext. hypertext is like a Professor told about dadaists( Da·da·ist〔〕 n. 허무주의적 예술가, 다다이스트━ a. 다다이스트의)for explaining the Hypertext. Dadaist's poem is defferent plain poem. very strange i think. dadaists peom is abstract a word in a random boxes. simply progress is They are cut some words from newspapers or books etc. and Those are shaked. and one thing, other things extract.
i think making a poem the progress is very difficult. and we saw 3 cf. 3cf has common point they repeat same word. again and again . but i don't understand this things relatives hypertext. but i feel so good. because actually i'm interested in cf , movie, etc.... . so we saw old cf's very interesting.
two thinks joint is very dificult to me. but my opinion is same . last weak i think technologhy is made and revolution this means. Technologies are very rapidly growth. but human's intellect is not followed. So inventer's made mouse, and monitor and memex system.
20c's concept of memex is just a daydream. but 21c's memex is realization ubiquatous system. also hypertext system is veey old idea. but i think Steven Spielberg's Minority Report's we see new keyboard system. last 21c's we may be see new hypertext system. using human's mind.
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